Meeting with international students by representatives of migration and border services

On April 14, 2021 a meeting was held between foreign students and Alexander M. Protasevich (the Head of the Department for Citizenship and Migration of the Leninsky District) and Alexander Y. Teslyonok (the Senior Officer of the Department of Inquiry and Administrative Process).

The meeting was attended by representatives of the university administration, staff of the international affairs department and pre-university training programs department.

During the conversation, guests drew students' attention to the main aspects of the migration legislation in the Republic of Belarus and the penalties for its violation, the issue of illegal border crossing and the penalties of deportation and further prohibition to enter the territory of the Republic of Belarus was discussed. It was noted that foreign citizens can move freely within the Republic of Belarus, but are obliged to do it during their free time and to inform the administration of the university about their location.

At the end of this meeting, students received answers to their questions.

Such events are held regularly and they are part of the joint system of work between the university and the departments of internal affairs of executive committees.

Department of International Affairs


Information export support website

Official website about higher education in the Republic of Belarus for foreign citizens

The Centre for International Relations of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus

Барановичский государственный университет
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Белорусская медицинская академия последипломного образования
Белорусский государственный медицинский университет
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Брестская областная библиотека имени М. Горького
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Витебский государственный университет имени П. М. Машерова
Гомельский государственный технический университет имени П. О. Сухого
Гродненский государственный университет имени Я.Купалы
Университет гражданской защиты МЧС Беларуси
Могилевский государственный университет имени А. А. Кулешова
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Мозырский государственный педагогический университет имени И. П. Шамякина
Академия Министерства внутренних дел Республики Беларусь
Белорусская ассоциация студенческого спорта