Celebration of valor and glory

Every year the staff of BrSU takes part in events dedicated to the Victory Day. It is symbolic that in the Year of National Unity another important holiday for our country is celebrated on May 9 – the Day of the State Emblem and the State Flag of the Republic of Belarus.


Students and professors of the university met the main symbols of Belarus on Lenin Square, and then the column, including the administration, department deans, professors, staff and students of BrSU, marched to the Brest Hero Fortress to pay tribute to the fallen heroes of the Great Patriotic War. In the memorial complex the column was met by the honor guard. With the carrying of the Victory Banner began a demonstration, laying flowers at the Eternal Flame, a minute of silence honored the memory of those who fought for a peaceful sky.


The young and the older generations of BrSU admire the heroism of veterans, honor the state symbols of the Republic of Belarus, cherish historical monuments and multiply the glorious traditions of their people.


Information export support website

Official website about higher education in the Republic of Belarus for foreign citizens

The Centre for International Relations of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus

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