BrSU students at the Vienna Ball in the Independence Palace

It is already becoming a tradition in Belarus to end a calendar year with a ball. This year our country hosted the Vienna Ball for the first time. On December 28, more than a hundred couples danced in the hall of solemn ceremonies of the Independence Palace: these were the winners of olympiads and competitions, the winners of competitions were the best of the best representatives of young people. Brest State A. S. Pushkin University was represented by Maya Babanova (Department of Social Pedagogics), Anastasia Semenyuk (Department of Biology), Elizaveta Kirilyuk (Department of Foreign Languages), Ilya Yuzvuk (Department of History), Vladislav Olshevsky (Department of Law) and Vladislav Ivanyuk (Department of Psychology and Pedagogics).

It is a dream of many people to visit the main building of the country, to wear ball dresses and tuxedos, to dance next to the Head of State, to hear his message. Alexander Lukashenko said he was happy to see happy young people wearing delightful dresses and beautiful tailcoats with burning eyes. The beauty of the ball participants is harmoniously combined with intelligence, education and diligence. The Head of State noted that today's youth will have to determine the vector of development of Belarus, and therefore the older generation should put the right orientations into them. Balls are a part of spiritual education. And only that person who can preserve traditions and enrich them can be truly useful to the society.

The celebration began with a polonaise. There are also Viennese and left-hand waltzes, galloping, French kadril, polka and padepatineer in the ball list.

Our students were very impressed by the event and received a true aesthetic pleasure. The guys agreed that learning to dance was difficult, especially in the high season of passing exams and preparing for the session. But it was possible to work harder than usual to participate in such a beautiful action. Besides, it is a pleasant experience.

The Vienna Ball for its participants was an opportunity not only to attend a social event, but also to learn to dance beautifully, practice the basics of etiquette and communicate with other talented and gifted guys.

BrSU students thank the university management for the opportunity to be full participants of the most beautiful event of the year, as well as choreographers for their dancing lessons.

Julia Vovk, student club


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