Results of the university competition for the best tested methodical development of the project, civil and patriotic activities

The university competition for the best tested methodical development of the project, civil and patriotic activities has come to the end.

The public presentation of the finalists' creative works took place on April 16, 2020.

According to the results of the competition, the methodological development of the festival “Native Roots” confidently won, which was presented by Zinaida Levchuk – Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Chair of Pedagogics – from the experience of the club association of students “Dialogue of Cultures” within the Year of Small Motherland.

The second place was taken by the author's team for the methodological development of the series of events “Department of Physical Education: past, present, future” dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the Department of Physical Education: Tatiana Demchuk – Head of the Chair of Physical Education, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Marina Suleymanova – Vice-Dean for Educational Work, Senior Lecturer of the Chair of Physical Education, Oksana Klos – Vice-Dean for Teaching Work, Senior Lecturer of the Chair of Sports Disciplines and Methods of their Teaching.

The bronze winners were two developments: the series of events “International GIS (Geographic Information System) Day: Show yourself on the world map!” (author's team of the Chair of Geography and Nature Use: Oleg Tokarchuk and Svetlana Tokarchuk – Candidates of Geographical Sciences, Associate Professors of the Chair of Geography and Nature Use) and the project “Creating a Culture of Memory by Children and Youth” (author's team of the Chair of General History: Elena Pashkovich – Head of Chair of General History, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, Evgeny Rosenblat – Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of Chair of General History, Ilya Yuzvuk – the 4th year student of the Department of History) and Kirill Gavrilenko – Master of the Department of History.

All the finalists were awarded with memorable prizes and gift certificates provided by the university rectorate.

Congratulations to the winners!
We wish professional and creative success in pedagogical activity to all contestants!

Department of Youth Education


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