On the way to approach

On November 13, 2017 Maria Stepanovna Kovalevich, Head of the “Proforientir” Center of Brest State A.S. Pushkin University got back from her trip to the University of Education Weingarten in Germany.

The University of Education Weingarten is a partner of our university. With a wide territory the campus of the University of Education Weingarten occupies several historic baroque buildings and partially lodges at the monastery of Weingarten abbey on the mount Martinsberg. The University of Education uses graceful «Palace», an arched building of Fish rows and a former monastery pantry as a library. In the territory of the former monastery there is a Natural sciences centre which is a modern building with conference halls, lecture halls and a coffee shop with Wi-Fi. The University of Education Weingarten shares Natural sciences centre with University of Ravensburg Waingarten. Besides, the University of Education Weingarten offers different cultural and sports events with regular theatre performances, music evenings, readings, public lectures and different kinds of sports trainings.

Students of the University of Education Weingarten can get BA diplomas or Master’s degree diplomas. The best professors work here. The main achievement of the university has become an opportunity to get a doctoral degree offered since 1984.

Maria Stepanovna purposed studying experience of the implementation of the professionally oriented activity of the University of Education Weingarten and creating conditions for professional career development of the students of the university. M.S. Kovalevich got acquainted with the educational process and technologies of preparation of future specialists in the field of pedagogy, psychology and social work. She took part in the seminars and discussions of modern psychology as well.

Maria Stepanovna was hosted by the rector of the university Dr. Werner Knapp who pointed the importance of cooperation between the University of Education Weingarten and Brest State A.S. Pushkin University. The possibility of implementation of the scientific and research activity within the framework of project «Gender professional orientation in the schools of Germany and Belarus: comparative aspect» was discussed. In conclusion Maria Stepanovna thanked the rector Dr. Werner Knapp and presented souvenirs with brand marks of BrSU as well as a university newspaper «Berasteyski Universitet»

According to the program of a visit in the University of Education Weingarten M.S. Kovalevich visited lectures of professor G. Lang-Wojtasik called «Migration and school» and «Prospects of intercultural education» as well as the other lecturers of the university.

Maria Stepanovna took part in the meeting of Research Centre «Innovations and professionalization» where shared her experience in implementation of scientific and research activity in BrSU and made a presentation about our university.

A fair of popular professions «Career of the year 2017» was being held during the third week of November. The fair was devoted to the meetings of the university students with employers. M.S. Kovalevich visited a social centre for the elderly in Weingarten which is full of educational opportunities and prospects of personal enhancement.

All the experience got in Weingarten can be used both for educational and scientific purposes in order to establish stronger cooperation between the University of Education Weingarten and Brest State A.S. Pushkin University. Despite the fact that there is one of the most effective educational systems in Belarus, that includes top-notch specialists and educational establishments, we have what to experience from Weingarten.

The Faculty of Pedagogy


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Official website about higher education in the Republic of Belarus for foreign citizens

The Centre for International Relations of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus

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