Joint meeting of the Rectorate and Trade committee of Students

On May 16, 2016 joint meeting of the Rectorate and Trade committee of Students took place at our University. On the agenda was the question “About the registration and division between the Faculties of beds in students hostels of university campus in 2016-2017 academic year”.

The chairman of Trade committee of Students R.V. Chyul reported that admission of applications for registration in University was carried out from April 4 till April 29, 2016. Trade committee of Students permanently monitored the amount of applications at the Faculties. For example, at the first day 441 applications were admitted, for the first week – 685 applications, the total amount of applications for April 29 is 1653.

The Trade Union offices of all Faculties compared applications given by students among those who had suffered from the consequences of the accident on Chernobyl NPP, physically handicapped, orphaned children and children who was left without parents’ care. All these students fall in the category of priority and uot of turn students (152 people).

In a panel session they proposed to foresee the beds for future students of the 1st course, who will need the bed in a hostel (60% out of students admission plan, 485 beds).

R.V. Chyul,
The chairman of Trade committee of Students


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